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Stem Cells - Yes, They "Work!"

regenerative medicine stem cells Oct 29, 2024


by Phil Kaplan

Symptoms of Joint Pain, Arthritis, Neurological Conditions, Age-Related Degeneration, E.D., Hair Loss, and Immune Conditions Can All Be Successfully Treated with Stem Cells.

At Infinite Impact we’re restoring people to their prior levels of excellence, in some cases creating new Personal Bests.

Using the latest medical and scientific technology we’re giving people back their bodies.

If you’re feeling plagued by pain, stiffness, discomfort, or limitation, schedule a FREE Consult with a renowned stem cell scientist and our top-rated Medical Team.



7 Stem Cell Facts You’ll Want to Know


  1. You don’t have to leave the country.  You can get stem cells right here in the U.S.  Lots of clinics outside of the country use misinformation and fear tactics to convince Americans they can only get stem cell treatments with international travel.  It simply isn’t true.


  1. Younger stem cells are not necessarily better.  The point of stem cell treatment is to kick up a healing cascade which relies upon your body’s own cells.  The age of the cells you’re injecting is irrelevant.


  1. Stem cells can be used for a wide variety of indications because they effectively reduce inflammation, and as continued research demonstrates, inflammation is the root cause of all disease.


  1. Some practitioners new to the  field are offering stem cells after limited instruction, in some cases, nothing more than a weekend course.  Regenerative Medicine is specialized and in order to get optimal outcomes you want to connect with someone who understands stem cell biology and has vast experience.


  1. Specific advanced techniques can allow stem cells to cross the blood brain barrier which can be highly valuable for neurological concerns.  If you suffer a brain or neurological issue, you’ll want to make sure the procedure uses specialized delivery systems.


  1. In order to maximize the benefit of any stem cell treatment, you’ll want to minimize other internal inflammatory disruptions prior to your procedure.  Otherwise the cells get “distracted” and desired outcomes may be limited.


  1. Targeted orthopedic injections via ultrasound have been repeatedly demonstrated to regenerate connective tissue, even in some cases where physicians thought  surgery was the best immediate option.


At Infinite Impact our team has mastered the screening, the process, and the follow up. Results are optimized with complementary therapies.

 Come in for an Experience and/or schedule a FREE Stem Cell Consultation.



Is it for you? 

Set up your  Free Consult with no risk or obliation?

  • Pickleball players – your knee doesn’t have to hurt
  • Tennis players, regenerate your own connective tissue
  • The degeneration we’ve come to associate with aging can be treated with intervention, and stem cells are a true Game Changer.






BTW, you’ll see our own Dr. Comella featured in the upcoming documentary,
the Truth About Stem Cells. 




Hear us discuss Stem Cells on the following Spotify Podcast:

On Spotify: Stem Cells: The Real Story

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