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Is Injectable Weight Loss A Thing?

ala alpha lipoic acid carinitine healthy weight loss l-carnitine maunjaro metabolism ozempic wegovy weight loss drugs Sep 24, 2023

You stick a needle in your skin, inject a liquid, and watch the scale with a smile on your face.

Injectable weight loss? 

Is it for real?

Well, we know it is being offered.  We know it has consumer appeal.  After all the prescriptions now number in the millions.

But is it good?  Is it safe?  Does it work?

These are important questions for you to consider before allowing anyone to provide you with an IV or intramuscular application of any compound, substance, chemical, or drug.  I’m going to give you the questions to ask, and I’m going to invite you to understand the difference between dangerous results and healthy outcomes.  Stay with me.

What prompted the flurry of talks, articles, and seminars I’ve been conducting on the topic lately? 

Two things.

  1. The Inherent Danger of Blind Acceptance (EZ Prescription)
  2. The Better Alternative



There are three injectable delivery systems.

·        Intravenous (I.V.)

·        Intramuscular (I.M.)

·        Subcutaneous (S.C.)



With an injectable product, we can deliver something with purported value directly into your internal environment (blood, muscle, tissues) without it having to pass through the digestive system, stomach acids, the intestinal tract, and internal cleansing organs.  Both speed and blood volume are enhanced.


I.V. (intravenous)

IVs (delivering a compound directly into a vein) have become popular for nutrient delivery with a growing marketing of medical IV centers delivering a wide array of anti-oxidants, vitamins, and minerals.”

To understand both speed and impact (the basic premise) we’ll look at an alarming example. 

We all know, from movies, documentaries, or stories, heroin “works.”  It gets into the bloodstream and “acts.”  It rushes to the brain where it is converted  to morphine and it rapidly binds to opioid receptors.

Quick?  Yes!

Is there an effect?  Yes.

Safe?  No!  Big no!  F-no!!!!

But it stands as an example of the speed with which something impactful can be “delivered” using a needle. 

Goldstein, A. Heroin addiction: neurobiology, pharmacology, and policy. J Psychoactive Drugs 23(2):123–133, 1991.



. . . if you’re ever treated by paramedics because you became lightheaded on the beach, or you played an exhaustive game of basketball in the  summer sun and the world started spinning, you’re likely to receive an IV dose of saline solution (sodium in water) or dextrose water to replenish and rehydrate your systems and tissues.

Quick?  Yes!

Is there an effect?  Yes.

Safe?  Yes!  Very.  Because your body not only recognizes these compounds, it requires them to thrive.

Let’s take a very quick glance at the other two delivery systems and then I’ll get into the specifics of weight loss injection.



Vaccines, some hormonal products (i.e. testosterones in oily bases), and compounds intended to be delivered gradually over longer periods of time are often given intramuscularly.



Patient self-administered injectables (i.e. insulin for diabetics) are often delivered subcutaneously for rapid absorption and ease of administration.  Many of the new injectable weight loss drugs are provided in pre-loaded syringes for SC injection.



When we consider whether an injectable product is safe, we have to look beyond the delivery system and examine the actual compound being delivered.

If a “product” is developed using a chemical, a synthetic compound, or an element uncommon to human biochemistry, we cannot call it safe without some reservation.   Research can lead to drugs being “generally regarded as safe,” but unless we know an injected compound to have a natural human effect, only the test of time will prove risk or safety.

With that in mind, any “new drug” should be considered only after an exploration of data, consultation with trusted experts, and a healthy barrage of questions being asked and answered (I’ll provide the barrage of questions in a bit), and even after the exploration, the expertise, and the inquisitory barrage, the best advice will usually summon the  word “wait.”


Do we need drugs for weight loss? 

No! We don't need drugs  for  weight loss.

Many people have been led to believe the miraculous weight loss drug will show up, but it’s only due to an absence of clarity related to naturally boosting metabolism using the innate power of the human machine.  At Infinite Impact I and my team are proving  this every single day.




Over the last few years, drug companies, some physicians, and weight loss-wanters have become excited about what I’ll call a new breed of “injectable weight loss meds.” The growing list includes Ozempic, Mounjaro, Rybelsus, and Wegovy with more in the pipeline.

 I’ve explored them at length, reviewed the research long before the drugs were released, and built up a long enough list of cautions for me to pour some water on false expectations (I predicted early on that the volume of  adverse events would lead to class-action suits  and . . . well, it’s happening now).

I won’t write anything further about the drugs themselves here (although I’ll provide links to previous articles and an info-packed ebook), but I will say I CANNOT CALL THEM SAFE.  NOR, CAN I CALL THEM EFFECTIVE if the goal is healthy weight loss, happiness in both the journey and the outcome, and lasting metabolic improvement.



With the “new breed” aside, there are several natural compounds, found in your body and mine, that interactively play a role in (1) metabolic optimization, (2) fat mobilization, (3) glycemic control, and (4) the use of lipids (fats) as fuel.  When we combine some of these nutrients and provide them via I.V. or I.M. delivery, they serve to optimize natural weight loss. 

And if we consider their value in delivering the four benefits I just mentioned, I can say without reservation, they work!

They don’t “work” alone.  Nothing does.  But when you follow The Metabolic Reboot systems, the injectable compounds will contribute significantly to the speed and dynamic of the outcome.

Before we incorporate our Injectable Weight Loss Systems with any individual, we do a thorough intake to ensure you’re an ideal candidate.

When the Assessment is complete and the approval process is completed, we begin with an I.V. incorporating an efficacious dose of Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), a long-documented aid to metabolic enhancement, glycemic control, and lipid mobilization with additional benefit as a powerful anti-oxidant and free-radical scavenger. 

Koh EH, Lee WJ, Lee SA, Kim EH, Cho EH, Jeong E, Kim DW, Kim MS, Park JY, Park KG, Lee HJ, Lee IK, Lim S, Jang HC, Lee KH, Lee KU. Effects of alpha-lipoic Acid on body weight in obese subjects. Am J Med. 2011 Jan;124(1):85.e1-8.

We combine an efficacious dose of ALA with a natural amino acid which plays a vital role in fatty acid transport shuttling lipid molecules into cellular mitochondria to be burned as fuel.

That’s only the beginning.  Of course we begin to integrate the  simple and strategic exercise routine and “no diet” eating plan, but for our patients incorporating injectables, we follow over the course of 4 – 8 weeks with a series of painless injections combining natural metabolic compounds and fat loss aids without any downside or risk at all.

Click here and I’ll share further details of what compounds we use, and then you can schedule your assessment to see if you’re an ideal candidate for our Medical Injectable Weight Loss Offerings.

I promised you a list of the questions you should ask before considering any new weight loss drug.  Here  is that list.





  • Is there a body of evidence documenting a track record of safety? Published?  Peer Reviewed?
  • Are results in line with my goals (long term metabolic optimization)?
  • Have studies demonstrated lasting improvements in body composition (not only pounds lost)?
  • Has weight loss proven sustainable once the medication is discontinued?
  • Do the compounds being injected exist naturally in my body?
  • Do I personally know anyone who has used the medication, gotten the outcome I seek, and demonstrated only positive results?
  • Have I been made aware of all potential side effects and carefully weighed potential risk with purported reward?
  • What is the course of prescription (length of time) based on?
  • What risks emerge if the drug is continued beyond the recommended usage period?
  • How will my health be monitored when I’m “on” the drug and what biomarkers are key indicators of risk or unwanted disruption?
  • Are there any “black label warnings” and do I understand the risks?
  • Has my prescribing physician studied all package inserts and shared the potentialities with me?










Get the Way Weight  Loss  eBook Explaining The New Weight  Loss Drugs

Read More About Ozempic

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