Consumer Warning

The Weight Loss Industry is a $100 Billion Industry and Most People Will Fail to Achieve a Satisfactory or Lasting Result.  The Metabolic Reboot Program has been proven in major hospitals and medical centers, with over 8,000 people.  It is science based, built upon 42 Immutable Principles, and integrates nutrition, movement, mindset, and recovery, the vital elements necessary for positive shifts in body composition and biochemistry (blood sugar, thyroid, etc).  Before you waste any money on another purported "solution," find your own power to regenerate, recompose, and heal with the Metabolic Reboot (the program developed by Phil Kaplan and offered through Biohackers Fitness & Wellness Centers & Infinite IMPACT Integrative Medicine)

The Platinum Metabolic Reboot Features 8 Weeks of Thrilling Change

In only 8 Weeks Reinstall Youthful Metabolic Programming


Retrain your body to "Burn" Through Food and Release and Incinerate Fat Once and For All!

Reawaken the Innate Intelligence That Maximizes Energy and Restores Bodily Systems to a Renewed State of Divine Health

It sounds crazy.  Can you really reboot metabolism in 8 short Weeks? 

Yes, and you'll come to understand how "Rebooters" worldwide are reversing chronic diseases they believed they'd have forever!

"Grandmas aren't supposed to look like this!"

"Wow.  All I can say is Wow.  I've always worked out, hard, and as the years crept up, so did the pounds.  When Phil told me a 9-minute routine would help me shed 10 pounds of fat and get into the best shape of my life, I was skeptical.  The outcome was truly amazing.  My husband loves it, I love it, and you'll love it too!"

- Lori Tully, Office Manager, Grandmother


"I'd Given Up Hope - Until NOW"


"I'm down 18 pounds after Phil promised me The Metabolic Reboot would work.  I was doubtful after "trying everything." 

I have to say I'm legitimately thrilled.  I'm now a believer!

I honestly feel better than ever and I'm rediscovering my own incredible potential."

- Jean Macintosh, Business Executive

Off her meds and 30 pounds lighter!

I searched for a program like The Metabolic Reboot for decades! 

I'm now off cholesterol meds, down 30 pounds, and have seen dramatic positive changes to bone and posture.

The changes go deeper than the physical.  I’m emotionally, mentally, and spiritually better and for the first time in years, I sleep through the night restfully.

Lisa Marshall Transformed!

  • Lost 19 lbs of "scale weight"
  • Dropped 27.25 lbs of body fat
  • Lost 7.5" off waist
  • Lost 5.25" off hips
  • Body Fat % dropped from 32.3% to 15.9%
  • BMI dropped from 22.6 to 19.6

It's an understatement to say the Metabolic Reboot changed my life, and it runs far deeper than the physical change.  EVERYTHING is BETTER!

Rave Reviews Just Keep Coming!

Jon Bass

With the Reboot, I reversed Metabolic Syndrome and I no longer have Type 2 Diabetes.  The physique changes are remarkable and I passed 70 a few years ago!

Karlene Myers

"Finally, I have clarity with exercise, food, and attitude, thanks to the Metabolic Reboot!!!!  And my body is responding in more ways than I can count!"

Alan Shapiro

The Reboot is amazing.  The improvements in my movement, power, and flexibility are insane, and I'm down 28 pounds!  Best of all, the improvement continues.


In 21 days, following the Metabolic Reboot I lost over 10 lbs and 2 inches from my waist!  I can’t believe I actually am free of my sugar cravings & broke my bad habits of late night eating.  The mental and emotional aspects of this program were so valuable! I am really excited to keep going.

Sue-Ann Levy

"No more cravings, stellar energy, extraordinary mood, and continued fat loss were all the evidence I needed.   Oh, and . . . I am no longer pre-diabetic! After our 8-week journey (which continues now in Canada) my blood test results came back "normal!" (see Sun-Ann's video below)

John Willie

When I first started I was overwhelmed. The 21 day reboot, was such a change in diet and mindset. I lost over 20lbs during that 3 weeks and have lost another 10lbs in th weeks that followed. My wife jumped in and she lost 12 pounds, and my daughter 9 pounds. My advice?  Relax and enjoy the healthful, fun, inspiring ride!"


I battled weight all my life, and at 66 I knew I needed to get the weight off.  I would have never imagined a program could teach me to control my sugar addiction . . . and it happened in 3 days!  My face is thinner, my body is thinner, and the shorts that I couldn’t squeeze into 8 weeks again are now sliding off.

I wake up each morning looking forward to the day and I now know how to eat healthfully, how to control my mood, and I can’t speak more highly of the Metabolic Reboot.


Still Uncertain? Email Jamie.

Ask any question.  Jamie will reply within 24 hours.

email Jamie at Infinite Impact